% This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2. % Encoding: UTF-8 @INPROCEEDINGS{Barke2012, author = {Martin Barke and Michael Kargel and Weiyun Lu and Felix Salfelder and Lars Hedrich and Markus Olbrich and Martin Radetzki and Ulf Schlichtmann}, title = {Robustness validation of integrated circuits and systems}, booktitle = {2012 4\textsuperscript{th} Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ASQED)}, year = {2012}, pages = {145--154}, abstract = {Robust system design is becoming increasingly important, because of the ongoing miniaturization of integrated circuits, the increasing effects of aging mechanisms, and the effects of parasitic elements, both intrinsic and external. For safety reasons, particular emphasis is placed on robust system design in the automotive and aerospace sectors. Until now, the term robustness has been applied very intuitively and there has been no proper way to actually measure robustness. However, the complexity of contemporary systems makes it difficult to fulfill tight specifications. For this reason, robustness must be integrated into a partially automated design flow. In this paper, a new approach to robustness modeling is presented, in addition to new ways to quantify or assess the robustness of a design. To demonstrate the flexibility of the proposed approach, it is adapted and applied to several different scenarios. These include the robustness evaluation of digital circuits under aging effects, such as NBTI; the robustness modeling of analog and mixed signal circuits using affine arithmetic; and the robustness study of software algorithms on a high system level.}, doi = {10.1109/ACQED.2012.6320491}, keywords = {ageing;integrated circuit design;integrated circuit measurement;NBTI;aerospace sector;affine arithmetic;aging effect;analog circuit;automotive sector;contemporary complexity system;digital circuit;integrated circuit design;mixed signal circuit;parasitic element effect;partially automated design flow;robust system design;Human computer interaction;Robustness;Testing;NBTI;Robustness;affine arithmetic;aging;analog;digital;softerrors;system} } @PHDTHESIS{Freisfeld09, author = {Marc Freisfeld}, title = {Semi-symbolische Modellierung und Simulation von Unsicherheiten in analogen Schaltungen mit Hilfe st\"{u}ckweise affiner Abbildungen}, school = {Institut f\"{u}r Mikroelektronische Systeme}, year = {2009}, doi = {urn:nbn:de:gbv:089-6058936598}, timestamp = {2010.09.02} } @INPROCEEDINGS{FreisfeldOlbGriBar07, author = {M. Freisfeld and M.Olbrich and C. Grimm and E. Barke}, title = {Verwendung von Gebietsarithmetiken zum Entwurf robuster Schaltungen und Systeme}, booktitle = {1.GMM/GI/GI-Fachtagung Zuverlaessigkeit und Entwurf}, year = {2007}, pages = {131--136}, publisher = {VDE Verlag, Berlin}, note = {27 VG-Wort pages}, abstract = {Aufgrund der fortschreitenden Miniaturisierung in der Chipherstellung wird es immer wichtiger, den Einfluss von Prozessschwankungen auf das Verhalten von Schaltungen schon beim Entwurf zu berücksichtigen. Hierzu wird die Genauigkeit der Modelle erhöht und eine Vielzahl von Simulationsläufen (Monte-Carlo, Corner-Case) durchgeführt, um verlässliche Aussagen zu erhalten. Leider führt diese Entwicklung in der Konsequenz zu sehr langen Simulationslaufzeiten. Die kürzlich erzielten Erfolge bei der Schaltungssimulation unter Verwendung von Gebietsarithmetiken eröffnen aber vielversprechende Alternativen. Dieser Beitrag stellt einen Ansatz vor, bei dem Gebietsarithmetiken zur Modellierung von Prozesschwankungen, aber auch zum formal sicheren Einschluss von Abstraktionen bei der Modellierung verwendet werden. Hiermit wird ein Weg aufgezeigt, wie sich Modelle entwickeln lassen, die so genau wie nötig, aber immer verlässlich im Sinne des (formal) sicheren Einschlusses aller möglichen Einflüsse von Prozessvariationen und nicht-modellierter Eigenschaften der Schaltung sind.}, timestamp = {2010.09.02} } @INPROCEEDINGS{FreisfeldOlbBar08, author = {M. Freisfeld and M. Olbrich and E. Barke}, title = {Circuit Simulations with Uncertainties using Affine Arithmetic and Piecewise Affine Statemodels}, booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated-Circuit Technology}, year = {2008}, publisher = {IEEE Press}, abstract = {Especially in the field of safety critical applications the impact of process variations on the behavior of integrated circuits can not be neglected. Usually, simulation is costly due to the need for multiple simulation runs with different technology parameter settings. In the past, semi-symbolic-simulation applying affine arithmetic (AA) [1], as a suitable range arithmetic, has produced very motivating results on netlistlevel. Using AA reduces the complexity without loosing generality of the simulation results. This paper covers the formulation of effective highlevel circuit models. We use piecewise affine functions to model the circuit and to provide fast simulations while simultaneously achieving good convergence. The equations are separated into matrices for linear mapping and matrices for the representation of the system's state. We formulate the uncertainties within the system with affine terms entered in the system matrices. Furthermore, we present the relevant solution algorithms for the semi symbolic simulation and their implementation.}, timestamp = {2010.09.02} } @INPROCEEDINGS{FreisfeldOlbPfoBar08, author = {M. Freisfeld and M. Olbrich and M. Pfost and E. Barke}, title = {Verl\"{a}ssliche Modellierung integrierter analoger Schaltungen durch st\"{u}ckweise affine Abbildungen}, booktitle = {10. GMM/ITG-Fachtagung Analog 2008}, year = {2008}, editor = {VDE/VDI-Gesellschaft}, number = {56}, publisher = {VDE Verlag GmbH}, abstract = {Im Bereich sicherheitskritischer Anwendungen, wie beispielsweise im Automobilbereich, darf der Einfluss von Prozessschwankungen auf das Verhalten von integrierten analogen Schaltungen nicht vernachlässigt werden. Dem damit verknüpften erhöhten Verifikationsaufwand kann nur mit einer erhöhten Abstraktion zur Steigerung der Simulationsgeschwindigkeit begegnet werden. Die bei der Vereinfachung entstehenden Abweichungen gegenüber dem detaillierten Modell müssen zusätzlich berücksichtigt werden. In der Vergangenheit hat sich das Verfahren der semi-symbolischen Simulation auf Netzlistenebene als für diesen Zweck besonders geeignet herausgestellt. Darauf aufbauend beschäftigt sich dieser Beitrag mit der Implementierung abstrakter High-Level-Modelle, die sich aus stückweise affinen Abbildungen zusammensetzen. Des Weiteren werden die zugehörigen Lösungsverfahren für die semi-symbolische Simulation und deren Implementierung vorgestellt.}, timestamp = {2010.09.02} } @PHDTHESIS{Grabowski09, author = {Darius Grabowski}, title = {Gebietsarithmetische Verfahren zur Simulation analoger Schaltungen mit Parameterunsicherheiten}, school = {Institut f\"{u}r Mikroelektronische Systeme}, year = {2009}, timestamp = {2010.09.02} } @INPROCEEDINGS{GrabowskiGriBar06-1, author = {D. Grabowski and C. Grimm and E. Barke}, title = {Ein Verfahren zur effizienten Analyse von Schaltungen mit Parametervarianzen}, booktitle = {9. Workshop: Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen (MBMV)}, year = {2006}, pages = {181--190}, publisher = {Fraunhofer IIS}, note = {32767 VG-Wort pages}, abstract = {In diesem Beitrag wird ein neues Verfahren zur Simulation nichtlinearer analoger Schaltungen mit Parameterschwankungen vorgestellt. Die grundlegende Idee dieses Verfahrens ist die semi-symbolische Simulation. Dabei werden Parameterschwankungen als Symbole modelliert, die mit den jeweiligen Abweichungen gewichtet sind. Das Verfahren erfordert den Einsatz spezieller Formen und Arithmetiken, die eine entsprechende Modellierung und Berechnung erlauben. Dieser Ansatz greift auf die affine Arithmetik zurück. Das Verfahren verspricht zwei Vorteile gegenüber den bisher eingesetzten Methoden: Laufzeitreduzierung und sicherer Einschluss der exakten Ergebnisse. }, timestamp = {2010.09.02} } @INPROCEEDINGS{GrabowskiGriBar06-2, author = {D. Grabowski and C. Grimm and E. Barke}, title = {Semi-Symbolic Modeling and Simulation of Circuits and Systems}, booktitle = {IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006)}, year = {2006}, pages = {CD-ROM}, publisher = {IEEE, Kos}, note = {32767 VG-Wort pages}, abstract = {Shrinking microelectronic circuits leads to increasing parameter variations. Verification by Monte Carlo and Worst Case analysis has a limited reliability or requires a very high number of simulation runs. In this paper we give an overview of the semi-symbolic simulation approach. Compared to Monte Carlo and Worst Case analysis, the semi-symbolic simulation needs only a single simulation run to compute all possible results for given stimuli and parameter variations. For semi-symbolic simulation we model parameter variations and tolerances by symbols. Then, we compute the transient analysis using affine arithmetic. As results of transient analysis we get the system quantities as affine expressions. The affine expressions describe the impact of the parameter variations to the quantities. }, timestamp = {2010.09.02} } @INPROCEEDINGS{GrabowskiOlbBar08-3, author = {Darius Grabowski and Markus Olbrich and Erich Barke}, title = {Simulation analoger Schaltungen mit affiner Arithmetik}, booktitle = {2. GMM/GI/ITG-Fachtagung \"Zuverl\"{a}ssigkeit und Entwurf\"}, year = {2008}, editor = {GMM/GI/ITG}, volume = {2. GMM/GI/ITG-Fachtagung "Zuverlässigkeit und Entwurf"}, note = {2 VG-Wort pages}, abstract = {The impact of parameter variations in integrated analog circuits is usually analyzed by Monte Carlo methods with a high number of simulation runs. Few approaches based on interval arithmetic were not successful due to tremendous overapproximations. In this paper, we describe an innovative approach computing transient and DC simulations of nonlinear analog circuits with symbolic range representations that keeps correlation information, and hence has a very limited overapproximation. The methods are based on affine and quadratic arithmetic. Ranges are represented by unique symbols so that linear correlation information is preserved. We demonstrate feasibility of the methods by simulation results using complex analog circuits.}, timestamp = {2010.09.02} } @INPROCEEDINGS{GrabowskiOlbBar08-1, author = {Darius Grabowski and Markus Olbrich and Erich Barke}, title = {{AC}-Analyse analoger Schaltungen mit affiner Arithmetik}, booktitle = {Analog 2008}, year = {2008}, editor = {GMM/ITG}, volume = {Entwicklung von Analogschaltungen mit CAE-Methoden}, pages = {63--68}, publisher = {VDE}, note = {6 VG-Wort pages}, abstract = {Der vorliegende Beitrag behandelt einen neuen Ansatz zur Verifikation analoger Schaltungen. Der Fokus liegt auf der Berücksichtigung linear korrelierter Parameterschwankungen für die Simulation im Frequenzbereich. Für die Beschreibung der Parameterschwankungen werden so genannte affine Formen verwendet, die als Grundlage für die Lösungen mittels affiner Arithmetik dienen. Die affine Arithmetik berücksichtigt im Gegensatz zur Intervallarithmetik lineare Informationen, die durch die Berechnungen propagiert werden. Erstmals wird eine AC-Simulation mit affiner Arithmetik beschrieben. Aus den Simulationsergebnissen werden affine Eigenschaftsgrößen abgeleitet, die als Grundlage für die verlässliche Modellierung auf höheren Abstraktionsebenen dienen.}, timestamp = {2010.09.02} } @INPROCEEDINGS{GrabowskiOlbBar08-2, author = {Darius Grabowski and Markus Olbrich and Erich Barke}, title = {Analog Circuit Simulation Using Range Arithmetics}, booktitle = {ASP DAC 2008}, year = {2008}, volume = {Proceedings of the ASP-DAC 2008}, pages = {762--767}, note = {6 VG-Wort pages}, abstract = {The impact of parameter variations in integrated analog circuits is usually analyzed by Monte Carlo methods with a high number of simulation runs. Few approaches based on interval arithmetic were not successful due to tremendous overapproximations. In this paper, we describe an innovative approach computing transient and DC simulations of nonlinear analog circuits with symbolic range representations that keeps correlation information, and hence has a very limited overapproximation. The methods are based on affine and quadratic arithmetic. Ranges are represented by unique symbols so that linear correlation information is preserved. We demonstrate feasibility of the methods by simulation results using complex analog circuits.}, timestamp = {2010.09.02} } @INPROCEEDINGS{GrabowskiOlbGri07, author = {Darius Grabowski and Markus Olbrich and Christoph Grimm and Erich Barke}, title = {Range Arithmetics to Speed up Reachability Analysis of Analog Systems}, booktitle = {FDL 2007}, year = {2007}, pages = {CD-ROM}, abstract = {Formal methods for analog circuit analysis can efficiently support conventional verification by simulation. Several approaches are based on circuit representation by state variables. One of their most interesting properties is the computation of reachable states. The results of reachability computation establish a basis for model or property checking. In this paper, we present a new approach for verification of analog circuits by computing reachable states. The approach is based on range arithmetics providing conservative approximations. We use an extension of the affine arithmetic to compute reachable sets in the state space which are represented by affine forms (convex polytopes). We demonstrate the efficiency by experimental results e.g. by computing the invariant (cyclic) set of a VCO with considerably reduced runtime compared to other recently published approaches.}, timestamp = {2010.09.02} } @INCOLLECTION{Heupke2006, author = {Heupke, Wilhelm and Grimm, Christoph and Waldschmidt, Klaus}, title = {Modeling Uncertainty in Nonlinear Analog Systems with Affine Arithmetic}, booktitle = {Applications of Specification and Design Languages for SoCs}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, year = {2006}, editor = {Vachoux, A.}, pages = {155--169}, abstract = {This paper describes a semi-symbolic method for the analysis of mixed signal systems. Aimed at control and signal processing applications, it delivers a superset of the set of all reachable values. The method that relies on affine arithmetic is precise for linear systems, but in the case of nonlinear systems, approximations are needed. As for each approximation a new term is added, the number of approximation terms increases during simulation and therefore slows down the simulation. This leads to a quadratic time complexity in the number of time steps. A method to avoid this and an example implementation based on SystemC-AMS together with its performance are presented.}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4020-4998-9_9}, isbn = {978-1-4020-4997-2}, timestamp = {2010.09.02} } @INPROCEEDINGS{HeupkeGriWal05, author = {W. Heupke and Ch. Grimm and K. Waldschmidt}, title = {Semi-Symbolic Simulation of Nonlinear Systems}, booktitle = {Forum on Specification and Design Languages (FDL'05), Lausanne, September 2005}, year = {2005}, pages = {CD-ROM}, publisher = {ECSI, Gieres}, note = {32767 VG-Wort pages}, abstract = {This paper describes a semi-symbolic method for the analysis of mixed signal systems for control and signal processing applications, based on affine arithmetic. Analysis with affine arithmetic is precise for linear systems, but in the case of nonlinear systems, approximations are needed. However, the affine arithmetic keeps a safe inclusion of all reachable values, but the number of approximation terms increases during simulation and slows the simulation down, giving a quadratic time complexity in the number of time steps. A method to avoid this is presented and we detail how suitable SystemC-AMS is for the implementation of the described approach.}, timestamp = {2010.09.02} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kaergel2010, author = {Michael Kaergel and Florian Schupfer and Christoph Grimm and Markus Olbrich and Erich Barke}, title = {Towards abstract analysis techniques for range based system simulations}, booktitle = {Specification Design Languages (FDL 2010), 2010 Forum on}, year = {2010}, pages = {1-6}, abstract = {In recent times, range based modeling and simulation techniques have emerged for systems with parameter tolerances and deviations. They are used to perform a semi-symbolic simulation and to analyze the examined systems for their time domain behavior. The system quantities in such simulations are represented as range based signals using the concept of Affine Arithmetic. Transforming the range based signals from a time domain to a frequency domain representation significantly increases the analysis capabilities and provides a broader insight into the system's behavior. Such a transformation enriches the expressiveness of semi-symbolic system quantities and simultaneously allows frequency based analysis techniques to be applicable. We use the Discrete Fourier Transform to compute a range based frequency representation and finally discuss the method and interpretation of the frequency spectrum on two examples.}, doi = {10.1049/ic.2010.0146} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Krause2012, author = {Anna Krause and Markus Olbrich and Erich Barke}, title = {Enclosing the modeling error in analog behavioral models using neural networks and affine arithmetic}, booktitle = {2012 International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD)}, year = {2012}, pages = {5--8}, abstract = {One all-time challenge in behavioral modeling is to minimize the modeling error while still profiting from a simplified representation of an analog circuit. In many cases the modeling error is known, but up to now it was only an indicator for the quality of the model. Its influence on errors during simulation could not be evaluated. We present a flow for the generation of behavioral models based on neural networks which uses affine arithmetic to guarantee enclosing the modeling error. We also demonstrate that the approach can also be applied to modeling the effects of parameter deviations.}, doi = {10.1109/SMACD.2012.6339403}, keywords = {analogue circuits;electronic engineering computing;neural nets;affine arithmetic;analog behavioral model;analog circuit;behavioral modeling;modeling error;neural networks;Analytical models;Data models;Integrated circuit modeling;Mathematical model;Neural networks;Neurons;Transfer functions} } @CONFERENCE{Scharf2013, author = {Oliver Scharf and Markus Olbrich and Erich Barke}, title = {Lösungsverfahren für nichtlineare implizite Gleichungssysteme unter Verwendung von Affiner Arithmetik und Gebietsaufteilungen}, booktitle = {GMM Fachbericht Analog 2013}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Durch die steigende Integrationsdichte wird der Einfluss von Parametervariationen auf das Schaltungsverhalten immer größer. Eine Möglichkeit zur Modellierung und Simulation solcher Schwankungen ist die Verwendung der affinen Arithmetik. Sie garantiert den Einschluss der Schaltungseigenschaften unter allen möglichen Kombinationen der Parameter. Zur Lösung der Schaltungsgleichungen mit affiner Arithmetik ist ein impliziter Lösungsalgorithmus erforderlich. Der bisher verwendete Ansatz zeigt für größere Parameterabweichungen Konvergenzprobleme. Es wird ein erweitertes Verfahren vorgestellt, das die Parametergebiete aufteilt, wenn dies erforderlich ist. Die Auswirkung der Aufteilung auf die Laufzeit, die Überabschätzung und das Konvergenzverhalten werden untersucht. Außerdem werden Kriterien vorgestellt, an Hand derer die Aufteilungen automatisiert vorgenommen werden können.}, timestamp = {2013.07.01} } @CONFERENCE{Scharf2011, author = {Oliver Scharf and Markus Olbrich and Erich Barke}, title = {Anwendung der affinen Arithmetik auf das BSIMSOI-Modell zur Simulation von Parameterschwankungen}, booktitle = {GMM Fachbericht Analog 2011}, year = {2011}, timestamp = {2013.07.01} } @comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:}